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List of Published Articles

  • Bench, Harmony; Candelario, Rosemary, Perillo, J. Lorenzo and Rosa, Cristina Fernandes (2023) “Choreographic Analysis as Dance Studies Methodology: Cases, Expansions, and Critiques: Cases, Expansions, and Critiques.” In Dance Research Methodologies. London & New York, Routledge.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2023) “Atravessando a Dikenga: Movimentos cognitivos e o cuidado com as ideias cultivadas no Sul Global.” Anais ANDA.  

  • Rosa, Cristina; Pasqua, Livia & Botelho, Marcos “Sketching out the recognition of capoeira as an Intangible Cultural Heritage: a study of Carybé’s drawings in the book “Jogo da Capoeira” (1951)” Sport in Society (under review).

  • Rosa, Cristina (2021) “Neoliberalism and contemporary dance in Brazil” Neoliberalism, Theatre and Performance, 4x45 series edited by Andy Levender. London & New York, Routledge, pp. 67-88.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2021) “Foreword” The Body in Crisis by Chrsitine Greiner. Ann Harbor: Michigan Press.

  • Blanco Borelli, Melissa; Rosa, Cristina F. and Tamayo Duque, Anamaria (2020) “Decolonising Performance Philosophies.” The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy. London & New York: Routledge.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2020) “Loucas da Pa Virada: um estudo sobre as coreografias de gênero na capoeira angola.” Mulheres que Gingam, Rosangela Araujo and Paula Cristina Barreto (ed.). Salvador: UFBA. São Paulo: Terceira Margem.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2020) “The Curious Case of Maxixe Dancing: From Colonial Dissent to Modern Fitness.” Atlantic Studies/Global Currents - African-heritage partner dances: Creolizing connection, transnational movement, Volume 17,  issue 1.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2019) “Contemporary Dance in Brazil.” 4x45 series [video lecture], Andy Lavender (ed.). London: Digital Theatre’s online platform [originally recorded in 2017].

  • Rosa, Cristina (2018) “A relação entre a ética e a estética na dança: corporeidade, produção de conhecimentos, processos indenitários.” IV Seminário Internacional de Arte. Belo Horizonte: UFMG.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2018) “The Gesture of Interweaving. A Look at the Landscape of Contemporary Dance in Brazil.” Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration, Gabriele Brandstetter, Gerko Egert, Holger Hartung (eds.). London and New York: Routledge.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2017) “Risk-taking Bodies and Their Choreographies of Protest.” Moving (Across) Borders. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 169-190.

  • Rosa, Cristina (2017) “Os Fluxos e Refluxos da Geopolítica da Produção do Conhecimento em Dança.” Trans-In-Corporados. Rio de Janeiro: DanceLab.

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2015) “The Gesture of Interweaving: A Look at the Landscape of Contemporary Dancing in Brazil.” Movements of Interweaving. London: Routledge (forthcoming).

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2015) “Performing Brazil: The Case of Grupo Corpo.” Performing Brazil. Madison: UW Press (anthology/forthcoming).

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2012) “Playing, Fighting, and Dancing: Unpacking the Significance of Ginga within the Practice of Capoeira Angola.” TDR/The Drama Review. Summer. (journal/print).

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2011) “Christine Greiner’s Corpo em Crise.” E-misférica. Summer. (book review/web).

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2010). “Jogo Bonito: a Study of Brazilian Soccer as a Modern Spectacle of Races.” Thinking Gender Papers. UCLA Center for the Study of Women, UC Los Angeles (proceedings/print).

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2009). “Neguinho & Negão: Performances of Masculinity within the Afro-Brazilian Practice of Capoeira.” Cultures in Process: Encounter and Experience, edited by Stephan Gramley and Ralf Schneider. Bielefeld: Aisthesis (book/print).

  • Rosa, Cristina. (2008). “Between the Devil and the Deep (blue) Queen: Historicizing Brazilian Identity through the Queer Black Dancing Body of Madame Satã.” Looking Back/Moving Forward International Symposium on Dance Research (proceedings/print).

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