Cristina Fernandes Rosa
List of Published Articles
Bench, Harmony; Candelario, Rosemary, Perillo, J. Lorenzo and Rosa, Cristina Fernandes (2023) “Choreographic Analysis as Dance Studies Methodology: Cases, Expansions, and Critiques: Cases, Expansions, and Critiques.” In Dance Research Methodologies. London & New York, Routledge.
Rosa, Cristina (2023) “Atravessando a Dikenga: Movimentos cognitivos e o cuidado com as ideias cultivadas no Sul Global.” Anais ANDA.
Rosa, Cristina; Pasqua, Livia & Botelho, Marcos “Sketching out the recognition of capoeira as an Intangible Cultural Heritage: a study of Carybé’s drawings in the book “Jogo da Capoeira” (1951)” Sport in Society (under review).
Rosa, Cristina (2021) “Neoliberalism and contemporary dance in Brazil” Neoliberalism, Theatre and Performance, 4x45 series edited by Andy Levender. London & New York, Routledge, pp. 67-88.
Rosa, Cristina (2021) “Foreword” The Body in Crisis by Chrsitine Greiner. Ann Harbor: Michigan Press.
Blanco Borelli, Melissa; Rosa, Cristina F. and Tamayo Duque, Anamaria (2020) “Decolonising Performance Philosophies.” The Routledge Companion to Performance Philosophy. London & New York: Routledge.
Rosa, Cristina (2020) “Loucas da Pa Virada: um estudo sobre as coreografias de gênero na capoeira angola.” Mulheres que Gingam, Rosangela Araujo and Paula Cristina Barreto (ed.). Salvador: UFBA. São Paulo: Terceira Margem.
Rosa, Cristina (2020) “The Curious Case of Maxixe Dancing: From Colonial Dissent to Modern Fitness.” Atlantic Studies/Global Currents - African-heritage partner dances: Creolizing connection, transnational movement, Volume 17, issue 1.
Rosa, Cristina (2019) “Contemporary Dance in Brazil.” 4x45 series [video lecture], Andy Lavender (ed.). London: Digital Theatre’s online platform [originally recorded in 2017].
Rosa, Cristina (2018) “A relação entre a ética e a estética na dança: corporeidade, produção de conhecimentos, processos indenitários.” IV Seminário Internacional de Arte. Belo Horizonte: UFMG.
Rosa, Cristina (2018) “The Gesture of Interweaving. A Look at the Landscape of Contemporary Dance in Brazil.” Movements of Interweaving: Dance and Corporeality in Times of Travel and Migration, Gabriele Brandstetter, Gerko Egert, Holger Hartung (eds.). London and New York: Routledge.
Rosa, Cristina (2017) “Risk-taking Bodies and Their Choreographies of Protest.” Moving (Across) Borders. Bielefeld: transcript Verlag, pp. 169-190.
Rosa, Cristina (2017) “Os Fluxos e Refluxos da Geopolítica da Produção do Conhecimento em Dança.” Trans-In-Corporados. Rio de Janeiro: DanceLab.
Rosa, Cristina. (2015) “The Gesture of Interweaving: A Look at the Landscape of Contemporary Dancing in Brazil.” Movements of Interweaving. London: Routledge (forthcoming).
Rosa, Cristina. (2015) “Performing Brazil: The Case of Grupo Corpo.” Performing Brazil. Madison: UW Press (anthology/forthcoming).
Rosa, Cristina. (2012) “Playing, Fighting, and Dancing: Unpacking the Significance of Ginga within the Practice of Capoeira Angola.” TDR/The Drama Review. Summer. (journal/print).
Rosa, Cristina. (2011) “Christine Greiner’s Corpo em Crise.” E-misférica. Summer. (book review/web).
Rosa, Cristina. (2010). “Jogo Bonito: a Study of Brazilian Soccer as a Modern Spectacle of Races.” Thinking Gender Papers. UCLA Center for the Study of Women, UC Los Angeles (proceedings/print).
Rosa, Cristina. (2009). “Neguinho & Negão: Performances of Masculinity within the Afro-Brazilian Practice of Capoeira.” Cultures in Process: Encounter and Experience, edited by Stephan Gramley and Ralf Schneider. Bielefeld: Aisthesis (book/print).
Rosa, Cristina. (2008). “Between the Devil and the Deep (blue) Queen: Historicizing Brazilian Identity through the Queer Black Dancing Body of Madame Satã.” Looking Back/Moving Forward International Symposium on Dance Research (proceedings/print).